Articles and Presentations
- California State Parks, Office of Historic Preservation
Sustainability Program - Congress for New Urbanism (CNU)
Promoting walkable, mixed-use neighborhood development, sustainable communities, and healthier living conditions - Green Building Alliance
- Green Building Initiative
Dedicated to reducing climate impacts by improving the built environment | Provider of the Green Globes and federal Guiding Principles Compliance certification and assessment programs - The Greenest Living: alternate energy and green living (previously The Greenest Building)
- Illinois Historic Preservation Division
Preservation and Green Design - Kansas State Historical Society, Office of Historic Preservation
Window Repair Videos - National Park Service (NPS)
Cultural Landscapes: Sustainability
Pocantico Proclamation, Sustainability, and You
Technical Preservation Services: Sustainability - National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP)
Green Stories - UNESCO
Sustainable Development - U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
Glossary of terms
LEED Rating System The most widely used green building rating system
LEED v4 A more streamlined user experience and more goal-oriented credits - Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG)
Sustainable Historic Preservation
An introduction to sustainable historic preservation, description of issues, lists relevant codes, and suggestions of additional resources - Window Preservation Alliance (WPA)
Articles and presentations
- "Ahwahnee Principles for Resource Efficient Communities," Local Government Commission
- "Green Design and the Economy of Sustainability," NPS Podcast 012
- "The Greenest Building: Quantifying the Environmental Value of Building Reuse," A Report by: Preservation Green Lab, NTHP
- "The Greening of Historic Properties: National Summit White Paper"
- "Historic Districts for All: A Social and Human Approach for Sustainable Revitalization," UNESCO
- "Implemeting Solar PV Projects on Historic Buildings and in Historic Districts," NREL
- "Pocantico Proclamation on Sustainability and Historic Preservation," NTHP
- Preservation Brief 3, "Improving Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings," NPS
- The Secretary of the Iinterior's Standards for Rehabilitation & Illustrated Guidelines on Sustainability for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings
- "Sustainability and Historic Federal Buildings," Whole Building Design Guide
- "Sustainable Stewardship: Historic Preservation's Essential Role in Fighting Climate Change," Richard Moe, University of California-Berkley
- "Why Do Old Places Matter? Sustainability," NTHP