Review the federal laws intended to preserve Native American heritage through the protection of cultural practices and sacred lands. Examine the use of statutes as tools to manage tangible and intangible cultural property. Discuss government-to-government obligations, court decisions, and case studies to illustrate federal policies and practice. Consider the legal, cultural, and historical perspectives resulting from decisions affecting Native American cultural property. Learn how the consultation process enables tribes, federal entities, and other parties to achieve resolution.
Claudia Nissley, president, C. Nissley Environmental Consultants; a nationally recognized expert in cultural heritage laws and practices; author, educator, and consultant; former executive manager with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and governor-appointed Wyoming State Historic Preservation Officer
Evaluation Comments
"[The seminar] was comprehensive in its scope and set a good, broad base for understanding consultation."
"[Hearing the] first-hand experiences of the instructors and participants was very helpful."
"[The] seminar really clarified laws that I am currently writing about. It was extremely timely and useful and exceeded my expectations."
"It helped giving case examples and the instructor helped me see the strength of the laws."
"[The seminar] met my expectations on laws and how to get a clear communication between organizations."
"It focused specifically on tribal POV (point of view) and needs, so [that we] were able to get into more detail."
"[The seminar] provided legal citations and examples to help me protect my Tribe's resources."
"I liked your seminar. I learned more of ways to deal with confusing situations of the law."
Members and staff from Indian tribes, Native Hawaiian groups, indigenous communities, THPOs, SHPOs, government agencies, and preservation and environmental specialists.
Related Trainings
NAGPRA Essentials
NAGPRA on-demand videos, National NAGPRA Program and NPI
Native America 101
Traditional Cultural Places
Locations and Dates
- Longmont, CO
October 22-23, 2024
$700 2 days / in-person seminar registration
$300 2 days / in-person seminar registration for full-time student; identification must be submitted at time of pre-registration
NPI scholarship application
Pre-registration is required for all in-person seminars and is recommended at least 8-12 weeks prior to avoid cancellations due to low enrollment. No payment information is required to pre-register.
For in-person seminars, either pre-register OR submit a scholarship application.
Registration will open to pre-registered participants at least 8 weeks prior to the seminar. NPI will email a link to the registration page and pre-registered places will be held until one month prior to the seminar. Payment information OR scholarship acceptance is required to register.
Seminar access is limited to the participant registered and enrolled in the seminar.
Cancellations must be received 4 weeks prior to the seminar; registrations are refundable less any fees charged to NPI. A rescheduling fee may be applied to later, non-refundable cancellations. Participants receive a full refund if the seminar is cancelled by NPI. NPI reserves the right to substitute an instructor if necessary and will notify participants whenever possible.
How to register once you have received the registration link:
• Create/access a participant account at https://training.npi.org
• Secure a place with one of the following payment options:
• Credit/debit card or PayPal payment [using PayPal credit card processing] from participant account [https://training.npi.org]
• Credit/debit card [contact NPI to use an alternative credit card processor]
• Training voucher/purchase order [email to info@npi.org]
• Check payable to "National Preservation Institute" [mail to NPI, P.O. Box 1702, Alexandria, VA 22313]
• ACH transfer [contact NPI for details]
Seminar Location, Hours, and Hotels
Information on seminar location, hours, and conveniently located hotels is available online to registered participants. Seminars generally are held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Certificates of Attendance
Certificates of attendance are available online upon completion of training. Instructions for receiving certificates are included in the NPI Welcome Letter, available to participants once they are registered online. A certificate for a one-day seminar provides 6 training hours, a two-day seminar provides 12 training hours, and a three-day seminar provides 18 training hours.
Customized Training
NPI offers customized training to meet specific organizational needs at a location and time convenient for the sponsor. In-person seminars, online, on-demand courses, and/or webinars may be based on current NPI offerings or new preservation-related training may be developed.
Contact NPI at 703.765.0100 or info@npi.org.